Friday, February 4

Senior Farewell

Today was the 12th class students' last day of school. There had been a farewell dance and party for them earlier in the year when I was on the South Tour. Today we had an assembly instead of sixth period and the 12th graders got to wear their hair down and brought cameras to school which are both usually against the rules a lot of the girls wore jeans and makeup to school which they usually don't do.
One of the girls in my class conducted the ceremony so she introduced those who were speaking and gave a short speech herself. The 12th class teacher (like a homeroom teacher) spoke briefly, then one of the students had been selected to speak on the class' behalf sharing lessons and memories that they all had. Finally, our principal gave a speech. We started with talking about success and how that can mean different things to different people. How earning a lot of money can be considered successful to some and maybe not to others. I thought he was going to go on to say that success could just mean being happy with what you're doing or have done. Instead he said that success for some could mean being a highly paid employee of a company, especially a multinational company while for others it night mean being the owner and employer of a company. He said that personally he suggested students shoot for the latter. He then went on to give the students advice. The piece of advice that stuck out the most to me and that he lingered on for the longest was this: when you see and advertisement for a position in a multinational company that looks like it pays very well remember that if you are sent abroad that money won't actually be very much and that you should not get cheated by these companies who are getting a deal out of you. The students were given trophies and report cards for their farewell. After the ceremony we had a very nice lunch by school standards. The seniors all ate at decorated tables with flowers in the middle of the dining hall. 

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