Wednesday, February 9

10 Cultural Mistakes and Faux Pas

This could be a very long blog post if I could remember every single mistake or faux pas that I've made or that one of my exchange student friends here have made. I'll try to write about those that I do remember. If I think of more later I'll write another post or just add on to this one.

1) Don't shake a woman's hand unless she offered first, many women especially the less educated don't shake hands. If you're a woman, it's usually best not to offer your hand to a man first, let him offer it to you. I think the first mistake I can think of was when I arrived at my first host families house and I offered my hand to my host mom. I knew right away that was a mistake because of the way she reacted. It wasn't until a few days later later that I learned why.

2) Don't expect hugs. Hugs are rarely given. Even on birthdays and when you see someone you've known but haven't seen for a long time you just shake hands. Even if you've been living with a family for a month of so, when you move out of their home not knowing if you'll see then again, don't expect a hug from your hosts especially you parents.

3) Always wash your hands before touching anything in the kitchen. Even if you washed them very recently and have done nothing but sit at the dinner table for a few minutes.

4) A lot of people know this one, eat with your right hand only. It's a good idea to handle serving utensils with your left.

5) The father of the house is always right. His word is final. If he has an opinion or idea it's correct. If he doesn't like the pattern of the skirt you're wearing you have to go change.

6) Never lend money to the hired help. I know this one not from personal  experience but second hand. Lending hired help money could get them fired especially if you use your little host sister as translator and she tells her mom.

7) Your not expected to thank waiters, drivers, or people of similar professions even though I still do out of habit.

8) Only young school girls wear their hair in two braids.

9) When you're visiting a home for the first time it's rude not to eat or drink something if it's offered. Even after the first time, you are expected to take something if offered a few times. Food is important to hospitality and it shows that you have the means to offer extra food to others. Hindus are supposed to treat guests as if they were a visiting god.

10) Never enter of go near a place of worship with your shoes on. In many houses shoes are not allowed at all. Putting shoes and feet up is not okay for many people and many consider it rude to be able to see the bottom of someone's foot when sitting. So if you were to cross one leg over the other and your foot was pointed at someone else in the room you may be giving them bad signals.

The hard thing is that not all of the rules apply to everyone, it depends on the family, religion, traditional-ness etc. There are hundreds more, I make mistakes all the time. Unfortunately when I sit down to write them everything goes out of my head.

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