Tuesday, August 31

I wish my mind was a camera and every time I saw something worth taking a photo of I could. I could then put them all into a computer like a normal camera and they would never fade like memories do. I see some many things here that I wish I could capture like the old, wrinkled woman wearing a hot pink sari leaning over he balcony this morning. Or the place that I pass on my way to school where all the people hang all of their laundry together by color coordination.
Yesterday (Monday) was just another day at school. It was the start of my first full week of school. It was the birthday of a friend, Mansi, who is in my class. Because it was her birthday she was allowed to dress out of uniform and she brought in a ton of chocolates for everyone. I had my first Hindi conversation class and I can now tell people my parents names and ask for people's parent's or sister's names!
School is still kind of overwhelming but everyone is really nice and I feel more comfortable there. My favorite classes are Hindi and English. I also look forwards to sports every afternoon when we play basketball. The sports teachers don't speak much English but they are still very fun and funny to play with... the only downfall is playing in the heat in jeans...
We also had the first really big rainfall since I've been here yesterday. The news says that several inches fell in one hour. It was very cool to be in. I was on the bus when it started and had to walk home from the bus stop in it (not very far). The rain was cool and refreshing and left the air feeling that way for the rest of the night.
Also last night I finally got a cell phone to use here (or a "mobile" as they're called here). My host sister Nikita was unimpressed with my choice, but it was th cheapest simplest phone I could get that still had everything I needed. Nikita would have had me get an I-phone or something similar, but, as I told her, I only need it for a year.
Today was rather uneventful. School was a pretty relaxing schedule and everyone seemed to be in very good moods.
I've been invited by a girl at school to a birthday party tomorrow after school! Most of the girls in the class are invited..

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