Wednesday, October 13

Dance Pictures

Last night before going to dance we had a bunch of people over for dinner. They were all Rotary or exchange related people. It was Sebastian, from Colombia's birthday so we had a cake and passed around chocolate. We were taught some of the birthday traditions that I had not known. For example, you should always try to leave one candle burning because that represents your life. They also taught us the extra verses to "Happy Birthday." We learned the proper way to cut and feed others the cakes.
 We all went over to the dance area and Hannah and I danced while the boys watched. We were all in traditional clothing and people took lots of pictures with us. When open garba came, the boys were very hesitant to dace but they did anyways. I had a great night last night but again, it was very late.
Tonight's dance is just open garba all night so I my host mother says  I should not go so I can give my ankle a rest. We may go for a little bit because there will be some singing and so we can socialize.

The "diya" dance with the small ceramic candles (the ones I'm using are electric). I'm in the center and my host sister is just behind me.

My friend Shweta with her "dundee," the sticks we use for the garba dances.

My host sister and I in the center of the hard packed dance area. 

My host mother, Lata, and sister, Shruti.

My friend, Deepa, receiving her prize for that evening's "Best Dance Style."  She's a very good dancer. 

My friend, the old woman who is really everyone's friends. She comes every night to the practices and actual dances but rarely daces. She helped me fix my sari one night and is always ready with a smile.

Again, not very good at taking my own picture. This is as I was getting ready last night.

Several of my friends preformed a special dance last night, They had to dance with those pots on their heads which was no easy feat (I tried one time). They were all really nervous but did super well. 
This is a picture of me dancing that Sebastian took last night. 


  1. You look so beautiful, Kelsey!!

    Peggy Neisner (Noellen's mom)

  2. Thank you! I love wearing all the traditional clothing, it's so pretty!
