Monday, March 28

Home Again, Home Again

I arrived home yesterday morning to a much hotter but altogether the same Indore.
I was too tired to even open my computer yesterday but rather slept the whole day away. This morning I severely lacked the motivation to get online dreading the hundreds of email and other tasks I knew awaited me. Luckily that's all taken care of now and my inbox is more or less organized.
I would have been home a day earlier but protests in Delhi cause our train from Calcutta to Nagpur to be delayed by nine hours which meant that a large chunk of the 18 hour train ride was during the day rather than at night. The original plan was to arrive in Nagpur at 2 pm and have an afternoon to relax before catching a 6 o'clock overnight bus to Indore. Instead we ended up spending the night and the majority of the next day in Nagpur. This gave us time to get together and relax with the students who didn't come on the tour and also gave us a last chance to say good-bye to each other as there's a chance that many of us won't see each other for the rest of the year.
I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with talking about the tour because there's so much to say. I think I'll do it like the previous tour and post pictures along with descriptions and highlights of certain parts.
I'll try to put together the first of these posts tonight so I don't end up procrastinating on them. Unfortunately, I have more than a thousand pictures to go through and edit before I can put them up. I've already started. Dealing with the photos is something I dread after tour even more than dealing with my emails because I have thousands that need to be sorted and edited and then I have to go through and select some that will go on facebook or be posted here.
Before I finish up let me also point out that I added another blog link. This one is to my friend Amanda's blog. I haven't had the chance to read it yet but I hear it's amazing because of it she's already had some job offers and there are movie producers reading her blog. The producer of the Batman Dark Knight movie apparently really likes her writing....

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