Sunday, April 17

     I'm running out of ideas of things to write about now that I'm done posting on the tour and I have a basic day to day routine that doesn't change much. Today, for example all I did was stay at home with my family since it's a Sunday. I did some small things that I've been meaning to get done but for most of the day ti was too hot in the house to do much. It was a lazy day for all of us because of the heat there was a lot of napping and lying around going on. I did start a new book called "The Twentieth Wife" by Indu Sundaresan which Amanda recommended to me. It's about the Mogul Empire and focuses on Emperor Akbar and his oldest son Salim (later Emperor Jahangir), the third and forth emperors of the Mogul Empire. Half of the book also focuses on Mehrunnisa, the daughter of a member of Akbar's court who is also a Persian refugee and her relationship with the court and Prince Salim.
     I feel like I haven't been reading as much this year as I usually do but when I think about it I spent a lot of time in the school library during my free times reading when I didn't have studying to do during study halls. At school most of the books I read were re-reads but some of the books I've read for the first time are:
-Pride and Prejudice (I liked it better than I thought I was going to)
- Great Gatsby
- My Sister's Keeper (I've been meaning to read it for a long time)
-Raising My Voice  by Malalai Joya (She was the most outspoken member of the Afghan parliament until she was forced to leave, she's run a school for girls under the Taliban. Her book isn't really about her life and achievements as it is about exposing what western countries esp. America have done to Afghanistan and its people.)
-The Kept Woman and Other Short Stories by Kamala Das
- Room by Emma Donoghue (I was up past 3 am the other night finishing this one. I highly recommend checking it out.)
-The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (and the two other books in the trilogy)
-I even read the Eragon series at school as well as Inkheats
-The Picture of Dorian Gray
-The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
And many others that were repeats during school... like all the Harry Potters, The Thief Lord, Song of the Dolphins, Twelfth Night, all of the Chronicles of Narnia, etc.

If you have any ideas for blog topics or questions about India, my life here, my exchange, ect. write a comment or send me and email.

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